August 15, 2012

Survival Tips after a Home Invasion

With break-ins and home invasions in the Brentwood, TN, area on the rise, it’s important to remember that, although you may live in a safe neighborhood, you may still be at risk for a burglary or home invasion.

Most burglaries occur during the day when residents are more likely to be at work  Protecting your home and the valuables within is a common concern for all residents and precautionary measures like installing an alarm or keeping your door locked can be effective. But what do you do if you come home and find that your home has been burglarized? Here are some steps to take if you come home to a break in:

1.      Dial 911 and exit the premises immediately. If your pets are within arms reach, grab them. Wait outside the home until the police arrive; either in a locked car or a neighbors’ house.
2.      Do not enter or search the premises. Let the police search your home before you enter. The burglar may still be in the home.
3.      Don’t touch anything inside until police have completed their investigation. Forensic evidence is almost always left behind and can be easily contaminated.
4.      Do a walk through and create a detailed list of damaged or stolen property and their value. Make sure this list is included in the police report so you have documented proof to give to your insurance company.

After the initial investigation is over, you may want to consider browsing your local pawn shops for your property every week or so. The police will check pawn shops for your property immediately following the break in but stop after a few weeks. You may also want to consider changing your locks or revaluating your current security system, even if you’ve already had one put in place. Once you’ve experienced a break in, you become six times more likely to be targeted again.

Experiencing a home invasion can leave you feeling victimized, shocked, and violated. This is a common after affect of a home invasion. The healing process can be long and not always smooth. If you’re having trouble settling with your insurance company, let our team at Merritt Webb help you.

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