August 30, 2012

Highway Use Tax Due

For those of you who thought taxes were done and over with April 17, think again. On August 31, the Highway Use Tax is due for truckers and owners of heavy vehicles that frequent Americas’ highways. The deadline applies to motor vehicles that weigh 55,000 pounds or more. This includes trucks, tractor trailers, buses, and other large vehicles. The required form, Form 2290, is available to be filed on paper but the IRS encourages electronically filing. Taxpayers who report 25 vehicles or more must e-file.  

This year due to facility maintenance taking place over the Labor Day weekend, the IRS asks that the electronic forms be filed before 1p.m Eastern Time on Friday, August 31. For those who miss the 1p.m. deadline, guidelines on how to e-file for an extension will be announced soon.  The August 31 deadline for paper filers remains unchanged.

Don't Be Rocked By a Hurricane

With Isaac hitting the Gulf Coast, it’s an important reminder to Carolinian that hurricane season is in full swing.  September is National Preparedness Month and in honor of that, here are some tips from FEMA on preparation for a hurricane or tropical storm;
  • Stock up on plywood so you can board up windows and doors at a moments notice. The American Red Cross recommends that the plywood be 5/8 inches thick. In a pinch, duct tape or packing tape can also minimize shattering glass in the event of a strong wind.
  • Make sure to bring in outside items that can be picked up and thrown around in the wind. This list includes garden decorations, tables and chairs, and other items.
  • As the storm approaches, turn your refrigerator to its coldest setting in case the power goes off. Store accessible items, like sandwiches items, snacks for kids, medications or baby formula, in a cooler to reduce the necessity to open the refrigerator door.
  • Fill your bathtub up with water before the storm hits. You’ll be able to use this water to cook, flush toilets, or even to drink if the power goes out.
  •  Fill up your car with gas. If you or your family is forced to evacuate at the last minute, there may not be any gas stations available if the power is out.
  •  Review your evacuation plan and learn alternate routes, just in case.
  •  Identify the nearest shelter to evacuate to if the weather takes a turn for the worst. Most communities also offer pet-friendly shelters so the whole family can be safe.
  • Make sure you have a three day supply of water (a gallon for each person in your household), dry goods and canned food. If you have a pet, make sure they have enough water for three days as well.
  • Make sure that your flashlight, battery powered radio, and cell phone batteries are fully charged.  Be sure to keep extra batteries nearby as well as a first aid kit. If you opt to light your home with candles, make sure you have a fire extinguisher handy.

     With the advances in technology, there are several android and iPhone apps that allow you to stay updated on the weather conditions during a storm. Hurricane – American Red Cross is a free app available for both Android and iOS devices which allows you to not only track the hurricane but  also check on weather conditions in your area  and locate help if needed. This app also lets you notify friends and family that you are safe. This app is available on the App Store and the Google Play Android Market and is completely free.

August 21, 2012

Should I Hire a Traffic Attorney or Just pay the Fine?

 Exceeding the speed limit is a commonly shared experience by drivers, whether done on purpose or accidentally. The National Motorists Association ranks North Carolina in the top 10 for states most likely to hand out a traffic ticket.  If you have ever been issued a speeding ticket, then you might have wondered what to do next.
95% of people who receive speeding tickets just pay the fine and don’t contest the ticket in court. Although this is the easiest and most convenient method, it’s not always the best method. By paying the fine, you automatically admit guilt in the matter. The courts don’t just punish the guilty by levying fines.  You may also receive points on your driver’s license depending on the state that issued the citation, which will cause your insurance rates to rise. In some states, if you exceed 15 miles per hour over the speed limit, your license can sometimes be suspended. Despite this, many people do not hire a traffic attorney to handle speeding tickets. Often, the cost of hiring an attorney to contest your tickets can outweigh the long term costs of just paying the penalty. For example:
  •    An attorney may successfully defend you from a speeding ticket and prevent points from being added to your license.  This can protect you from a sharp increase in insurance premiums that may incur if you just paid the ticket outright.
  •          Most contested tickets in court are won on technical defenses, not the facts, and these technical defenses are better identified by an experienced traffic attorney. 
  •          If you contest your ticket on your own and fail, you will be responsible for the court costs as well as the original fine.
  •          You should be aware that different states have different ways of penalizing speeding tickets.  So, a ticket that you receive in a different state might translate differently to your state’s DMV.
  •          Each county in each state has different traffic court procedures. An experienced traffic attorney that practices in that county will know the specific court procedures and use this to their advantage. 
  •          Traffic laws are ever-changing and an experienced traffic attorney will know the current laws and how to obtain the best outcome for your case. 

So, if you find yourself being issued a traffic violation, you should be aware of the advantages that an experienced traffic attorney can provide you.  You don’t have to feel that the only option is to just pay the ticket. Next time you see those blue lights in your rearview mirror, prepare a strong defense by letting an experienced attorney at Merritt Webb be at your side.

August 15, 2012

Survival Tips after a Home Invasion

With break-ins and home invasions in the Brentwood, TN, area on the rise, it’s important to remember that, although you may live in a safe neighborhood, you may still be at risk for a burglary or home invasion.

Most burglaries occur during the day when residents are more likely to be at work  Protecting your home and the valuables within is a common concern for all residents and precautionary measures like installing an alarm or keeping your door locked can be effective. But what do you do if you come home and find that your home has been burglarized? Here are some steps to take if you come home to a break in:

1.      Dial 911 and exit the premises immediately. If your pets are within arms reach, grab them. Wait outside the home until the police arrive; either in a locked car or a neighbors’ house.
2.      Do not enter or search the premises. Let the police search your home before you enter. The burglar may still be in the home.
3.      Don’t touch anything inside until police have completed their investigation. Forensic evidence is almost always left behind and can be easily contaminated.
4.      Do a walk through and create a detailed list of damaged or stolen property and their value. Make sure this list is included in the police report so you have documented proof to give to your insurance company.

After the initial investigation is over, you may want to consider browsing your local pawn shops for your property every week or so. The police will check pawn shops for your property immediately following the break in but stop after a few weeks. You may also want to consider changing your locks or revaluating your current security system, even if you’ve already had one put in place. Once you’ve experienced a break in, you become six times more likely to be targeted again.

Experiencing a home invasion can leave you feeling victimized, shocked, and violated. This is a common after affect of a home invasion. The healing process can be long and not always smooth. If you’re having trouble settling with your insurance company, let our team at Merritt Webb help you.